Thursday, January 21, 2016

Clay's Compromise of 1850

Many issues revolving around slavery keep arising, I am beginning to feel worried for the safety of my family especially since I am expecting a child soon, I just found out but rather than being excited I am rather worried. It feels as though the United States is being torn in half and I don't want my child to be born in such conditions. I have been following any news on slave and free states through the news paper and issues keep becoming more complicated. Problems that I thought had passed years ago are rising to the surface because of arguments revolving slavery. I read about the gold found in California in 1848 and my husband has told me that even this has contributed to a problem involving slavery because in 1849 California requested to become a free state. The south became outraged, if California became a free state it would tip the balance between slave and free states and this would cause unneeded conflict. Thank god for Henry Clay, I have read so much about him, he is known as the "Great Pacificater" because of all of his amazing compromises. He has finally decided to step into the issue of the norther states vs southern states and I believe if anyone can help it's him who will be the most successful. Clay's compromise of 1850 has stated five new ideas to make the north and south agree. The first point is California will become a free state as they wanted. Popular sovereignty will determine if Utah and New Mexico become slave states or remain free. Slave trade has been deemed illegal in Washington DC but slavery itself will still be allowed. A more strict fugitive slave law stating that run away slaves will have to be returned to their owners and if anyone helps a slave they could be fined or sent to jail. Also in return for $10 million Texas will give up its claims to New Mexico. I think that this compromise will help bring unity into the union, something has to happen but there have been so many debates about the compromise that I am beginning to greatly worry about this nation. Zachary, my husband, says the compromise is being passed but not in the way I thought it would be. The arguments of the nation had left Clay stuck but a senator from Illinois called Stephen A. Douglass has helped pass the compromise through the Congress, persuading the Senate to finally except it. Throughout this very long process Zachary Taylor died making Millard Fillmore the new president and fortunately he helped pass the compromise through the Senate. The compromise shall not stop my worrying for this nation or my family but at least it will help.

"The Compromise of 1850." Independence Hall Association, n.d. Web. 22 Feb. 2016.

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