Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Battle of Gettysburg

 January 1863
My husband has finally written to me about another battle that has occurred. He has told me that he is officially part of the army of the Potomac under the leadership of General Burnside. The fight occurred in Fredericksburg, Virginia against Lee's army and the odds seemed in our favor. The battle was in 1862 in December and Lee brought his army of only 80,000 to fight against Burnside's 120,000 troops. My husband said he believed that the north was going to win but Lee was joined by Stonewall Jackson and James Longstreet. Zachary said in his letter that the Union army obtained twice the amount of casualties as the Confederate troops. I am very happy that he wasn't injured but I am disappointed that the army failed because if the north wants to win the war this can't happen again. As can be expected, Lincoln replaced general Burnside with General Joseph Hooker. I hope he will have a better plan so we can prevent the humiliating feeling of losing at such an advantage.

"Ambrose Burnside." History.com. A&E Television Networks, n.d. Web. 22 Feb. 2016.

 July 1863
Zachary has written to me again about the offensive that was launched by General Joseph Hooker. He wasn't very confident in what the outcome of this battle would look like but he hoped the new general would help. The armies battled at Chancellorsville but as before the Federals weren't strong enough. The outcome of this battle is devastating. I am happy that my husband is okay but I haven't heard from Adam or Harriet. With all the battles it is easy to lose track of all the fighting that is actually happening and if they even are fighting. My husband tells me that troops were talking about how worried Lincoln is with all the loses. He doesn't know how the country will react but I think everything will be fine because I have finally heard some good news for the north. Zachary wrote to me that the Union is ready to fight again because of the death of Stonewall Jackson. He was killed throughout the fighting by one of his own men. Can you believe it? A confederate solider killed him. I think that this can finally lead to victory for the Union. Unfortunately, Lee is currently trying to demoralize the Union by gaining support from other countries. He hopes to force an end to the war and he is trying to invade the north. In June they entered Union territory and they went up to Pennsylvania. This scares me more than I can describe because the army is in our land and they weren't stopped. I haven't heard anything from Zachary about the thoughts of their general. I don't even know if he has the same general so I guess I will have to wait for his next letter before I can stop worrying.
"The Death of Jackson." Opinionator The Death of Jackson Comments. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Feb. 2016.

August 1863
I have heard from my husband so I am thankful and I have finally received a letter from Adam. Adam has brought once again more dreadful news. Harriet was injured during battle and to save her her leg was cut off. She is not dead but he says that she is not doing well and after she is fixed the doctors will send her home. Of course they still don't know that she is a girl so I hope she will be okay but I am glad that I will be able to have her home soon. Adam has just come out of a three day battle. He says that this was his first time fighting in a while. Zachary had told me that he fought in the battle as well and that he will soon becoming home. The battle occurred  in Gettysburg hence why it is being called the Battle of Gettysburg an edit occurred on July 1 and it has been quite a gruesome battle.  Lee's intentions were to to seize boots from a factory in Gettysburg but the Army of the Potomac was ready. The Army of Potomac now is under the leadership of General George Meade. The battle started by the Confederate troops running into  brigades of Union Calvary directed by General John Buford. My husband has explained to me that brigades are just a military formation used and that the men were just on horses. Buford called for reinforcements and he and his men spread out even outside of the town. On the first day of fighting the Union didn't do well and they were pushed back through the town. I worried once Zachary told me this but he said that the advance by the Confederates was ended at night. Within this time General Meade was able to strengthen the positioning of the Union by bringing the rest of his army. Adam has told me that he was in the army that was brought during nightfall and that he was ready to fight will all his might. Adam and the other troops created a two and a half defense line. The second day of the battle Lee's men prepared to destroy the two ends of the Union line. Adam told me that Lee had one force push Meade's defense north while General Longstreet attacked the southern end. Adam wrote saying he has never seen such forceful fighting as he had seen that day. The confederates failed to break the Union line. Zachary told me that he was part of a group of Union troops that noticed a flaw. There was an undefended position on Little Round top and they rushed to it and met Confederates rushing uphill. At the top of the hill was unit from Maine under the control of Colonel Joshua L. Chamberlain. My husband said that he was apart of this fight and that the Confederates charged multiple times. Eventually the men and ammunition started to run out so Chamberlain ordered a bayonet charge. The Confederates became exhausted and scattered by the attack and many Confederates started to surrender. When nightfall came Union still held the high ground but Lee was very persistent. My husband said by this time he was very tired but the Confederates attacked one more time on July 3. Lee ordered an artillery barrage to the middle of the Union line in order to break up the Union defenses. Lee's men were destroyed as they marched toads the Cemetery Ridge they were beat down by Union forces. Lee's men included a division under the leadership of George Pickett and Pickett's failed charge lead Lee to demand reposition of Pickett's division but he no longer had one. The Battle of Gettysburg ended with this and my husband said that as he looked onto the battle field all he could see was bloody bodies. According to statistics that I found in the newspaper 50,000 were killed or injured around half of them being Confederates. My husband said that nearly a third of Lee's troops were killed and he was forced to abandon his planned invasion of the north. My husband says that the Confederates have been crushed and he doesn't think they will ever come to the north to fight again after what happened.

"The Battle of Gettysburg." The Battle of Gettysburg. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Feb. 2016.
Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 23 Feb. 2016.

December 1863
Lincoln is so gracious and understanding. In November, he went to Gettysburg where the battle was held and he dedicated a cemetery to the soldiers who fought so bravely. Lincoln said a speech known as the Gettysburg Address and he spoke about the long war. He described the need to fulfill the Declaration of Independence and that there is a reason to keep fighting throughout the long Civil War.  He wishes to keep a nation that is "dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal." His words were much needed for me to hear because I almost forgot the true reasons for the war. We must fight for justice and this will only be fulfilled if we win.

"A Reading of the Gettysburg Address - The Imaginative Conservative." The Imaginative Conservative. N.p., 17 Mar. 2015. Web. 23 Feb. 2016.

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