Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Jefferson Davis and the confederacy is formed

As expected the south was furious about the outcome of the presidential convention and immediately a state convention was wanted by the South Carolina legislature. On December 20, 1860, the meeting in Charleston was held and it was declared that "the Union now subsiding between South Carolina and other states under the name of the United States of America is hear by dissolved." Southern states kept on receding from the nation and within a few weeks 6 states had left the Union. There have been lots of doubts within the states whether to secede from the nation or not but some states were greatly in favor of leaving. Zachary has told me about controversy having to do with Alexander H. Stephens, the state senator of Georgia, faced confusion on what to do, although he was alarmed by the election of Lincoln. He felt that Georgia should stay loyal to the states; however, Georgia voted to secede from the Union despite contradicting views. I have found that all of the southern states just want to save their way of life but I don't understand why they are leaving the Union because Lincoln promised to to not become involved with the slavery that is currently in the southern states. He is only concerned about preventing slavery in the new western territories yet so many southern states are seceding anyways. I have become okay with this because I personally never fancied the southern views of life. According to the newspaper in February 1861, the Confederate States of America were created by the seven seceding states. My husband has told me that a constitution was made and it was very similar to the US constitution; however, it included the idea of independence of each state and enforced the right that states had to secede. As could be expected the Confederation was greatly in favor of slavery and in order to gain support from Britain and France the importation of slaves from other countries was prohibited. Although most of the south wants to be separate not all southerners seemed to be ecstatic about the idea and some didn't like the Confederacy while others still aimed for a compromise with the north. One of my dear friends, Liza, moved to North Carolina and she has told me all about the conflict. She says that the Confederacy is trying to gain the approval of seceding from the nation from people against slavery. The Confederacy has been pressing this idea harshly on her family because they don't believe in slavery. In order to gain support from others, like Liza and her family, the Confederacy elected Jefferson Davis, a Mississippi senator, for president. Liza has told me that Davis supports the Compromise of 1850 but he feels that the south should establish its own culture and have control over slavery. I hope that the south decides to secede from the Union. The south suggested a final compromise but the things they expected the north to conform to were insane. The south wanted slavery to be in the west over the Missouri compromise line; this unbelievable compromise was made by John Crittenden, a senator from Kentucky. As if this wasn't enough he also wanted federal funds to be given to slaveholders for their un returned fugitives. Lincoln said that the Crittenden compromise would "lose us everything we gained by the election." I completely agree with the statement. The south causes unnecessary conflict and if they wish to leave this nation then the issue of slavery will finally be solved and I won't have to worry much about the possible outcomes of this Union.
"Jefferson Davis’ State of the (Dis)Union." Civil War Daily Gazette. N.p., 07 Dec. 2013. Web. 22 Feb. 2016.
"Abraham Lincoln Maddie Leers." DiamondWiki -. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Feb. 2016.

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