Monday, February 22, 2016

Effects of the War

I have never seen so much disaster and tragedy hit the United States. Zachary has told me that over all there were a total of 600 hundred deaths and thousands more were injured. I have never seen so many pictures or journals of a war, this war was like no other. There is a peculiar journalist named Mathew Brady and I have been drawn to him because of his exhibit "The dead at the Antietam." There are even people interested in my journals and they enjoy reading notes about the war from my husband and sons. I am very interested to hear all about the war but I wish Lincoln was here because there has been so much social and political disappointment on both sides and this has lead to economic greed. The United States has found itself in the Gilded Age, this age has come because of the cover up of all of the destruction that had occurred. The north is still doing well and it still is in an industrial boom even though the war has ended and hopefully the industry doesn't turn into a bust because I don't think the country is strong enough to handle that yet. The Land Grant College Act was passed in 1862 and according to my husband this was an act and legislature passed by Congress ordering a protective tariff. The purpose of the act is to give money gained from the selling of public land to states to create Universities that teach "agriculture and mechanical arts." This act has been very helpful due to its effectiveness in protecting the northern industries from other competition and it has also raised money which is greatly needed. I have also noticed that there has been more machinery appearing at my job and my husband said that this is just an effect of the Land Grant College Act but the machines have proven to be very helpful. It seems as though the north is doing well for just coming out of a war and I hope everything stays steady and peaceful.

The United States is emerging as an global economic power. I never thought we would be able to do so well after such a major war but the northern banks, factories and cities have gone through a huge industrialization. Although the north is doing well, the south was destroyed and it has been taking rather long to rebuild it. Many cities in the south were destroyed, such as Richmond and Atlanta, but along with cities many railroads and factories were ruined as well. The south no longer has the luxury of slavery therefore making it struggle to regain economic balance. They have been relying greatly on the north and they have been trying the modern cash society. Agriculture is no where near as successful as it use to be but it still remains the center of the southern economy, and I presume this is because they have never done anything but farming. I feel quite sorry for the south because it was completely destroyed and now they are struggling to rebuild it. I almost blame Sherman for his idea of total war but Adam tells me that there was no other option and I guess he is right but I just can't help it. I keep imagining soldiers who fought like Adam had but ging home only to find that their house was burnt down. I have heard that countless houses and farms were destroyed and it's almost as if we set back the entire United States as a whole. Zachary has said that there have been many white southerners that are now homeless and they wonder aimlessly some even muttering things like, "Oh, our God! What sins we must have been guilty of that we should be so humiliated by Thee now!" Along with the white settlers,  African Americans don't seem to know what to do with themselves either but now they have opportunities like never before. Some have headed to take advantage of the Homestead Act in the west but it appears that freedom is not as nice as they had hopped. The government has been greatly changed especially since Lincoln was killed. Political life seems to be disorderly but hopefully secession is the worst threat that will ever occur. I have noticed many things becoming intertwined such as economic, political and social life. This has become very helpful but I don't think arguing between states will ever end. The war had destroyed the nation but peace by peace we are coming back together bigger and better than ever. Federal authority has become greater and the federal government has become very active and helpful. I think this war will prevent other States from breaking apart from this country because of the national bond provided by the Constitution. The States have over come war and pain but this has lead us to the national that we are and will keep on becoming. War has helped us and we will learn from our mistakes. I still have my family and although it is broken we are okay just like the country we will become strong again.

video link:

"Rossford Exempted Village Schools." - Effects of the Minie Ball on Civil War Combat. N.p., 23 Feb. 2016. Web. 23 Feb. 2016.
"Redirect Notice." Redirect Notice. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Feb. 2016.

"Impact of the Civil War Video." A&E Television Networks, n.d. Web. 23 Feb. 2016.

Why the north won

I personally never had a doubt that the south could win against the north. The war brought its ups and downs but if you truly believe something you can't ever doubt yourself. I will admit the south had its advantages such as excellent military leadership, confidence and they had a need to win. If the south lost then slavery would have taken from them but if the north was to lose then nothing as major would happen therefore making the north less committed to fighting and winning the war. As the war went on it became obvious that the north also had lots of advantages such as a larger population, more technology and the north had easier assess to resources. In the beginning of the war the north didn't have great military leaders but the north later on gained stupendous leaders that were willing to give up everything to win, such as General Grant and Sherman. The south soon became tired; without the help of any outside sources they ran out of troops and supplies. Although they reached out for European allies the European countries weren't fond of slavery and therefore the south was over taken by the north a military guidance. The north was also guided by the amazing leadership of Lincoln; he was able to keep the nation together under such an awful time. Lincoln made many moves that changed the course of the war for the better such as the decision to proclaim emancipation. The determination of the military leaders, Lincoln and African Americans was nothing like I have ever witnessed before and without the high spirits seen the north would have lost.
"UTA October 2010-Civil War." : How the North Won. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Feb. 2016.
Grant, Rich. "How to Become a Civil War Buff Before Next Year." The Huffington Post., n.d. Web. 23 Feb. 2016.

Lee's surrender and the assassination of Lincoln

April 1856
Lee has surrendered! My husband ran to me and told me the news as soon as he heard. He said that the Confederates had been trying to break the siege of Petersburg but had failed. Then on April 2 the Confederates retreated in hopes of joining  Confederate in North Carolina; however, Lee's troops greatly suffered due to lack of food. Lee's troops were starving and tired especially due to the continuous harassment from Union troops. The Confederates were finally trapped in Appomattox Court House, Virginia and finally on April 9th they surrendered to General Grant. Richmond had been destroyed so Lee's army had no choice and the north shall now win. Our General is so respectful because even though the war is over he told his troops not to gloat. Although the war has not officially ended it is only a matter of time before the other Confederate troops surrender. Even General Grant has said, "The war is over, the rebels are country men again." The moment that this nation has been waiting for is almost upon us and I can't wait to see the outcome of our nation performing as one again. This great news also means my son will be coming home very soon and I couldn't be more excited about the outcome of events.

June 1856
The war has official come to an end and my son is finally home. So many things have happened in the last few weeks; word was spread that Lee's army surrendered and finally all Confederate generals have surrendered. My husband said that after Lee's army surrendered there were still 170,000 armed confederates but they have all surrendered and our nation is finally one. Although I am very excited I haven't seen anyone more excited than the African Americans. The word reached African Americans in Texas on June 19 and it has become known as "Juneteenth" because of all the celebrations. My husband found out that the war had ended immediately but word reached the Southwest at a much slower pace. I am glad that there are still celebrations going on because winning the war that tore our nation apart is not a small victory.

"American Civil War: Lee’s Surrender to Grant." Encyclopedia Britannica Online. Encyclopedia Britannica, n.d. Web. 23 Feb. 2016.

July 1856
I have disastrous news that I feel our nation will once again be torn apart from. After Lee's surrender, Lincoln decided to go to the comedy Our American Cousin in Ford's Theater. He sat in a private box yet that didn't stop the actor John Wilkes Booth from going up during the performance. He was a Confederate supporter and he shot our President in the back of the head on April 14. After he did it is was heard that he said the motto of Virginia, "Sic semper tyrannis!" meaning "Thus ever to tyrants" and he was also heard saying "the South is avenged."  Lincoln died the next morning and because of Booth's actions lead to a massive manhunt for him. While he was hiding in a barn in Virginia he was killed. I am glad that he was killed because my husband told me that he found out that Booth not only wanted to kill the President but the Vice President and the Secretary of State. The plotters of the death had apparently hoped to catch the north by surprise giving the south time to start war again. There were many plotters but Booth was the only one to carry out the plan; however, the Secretary of State, William Steward, was attacked and badly hurt. The plotters were found and four have been hung for their plan and actions that they were suppose to take part in. Lincoln is now seen as a hero and this death has brought the northern supporters and critics together. He has become a symbol freedom and he has made such a deep impact in our nation especially in politics. He guided this nation through one of its toughest times and he deserved more than could have ever been give to him,  I am very saddened because I truly believe in Lincoln's words and I thought of him as an inspiration and a great leader and I can't believe he won't be here to see all the good he will have lead this nation to.

"President Lincoln's Assassination - Abraham Lincoln's Classroom." Abraham Lincoln's Classroom. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Feb. 2016.
"President Lincoln's Assassination - Abraham Lincoln's Classroom." Abraham Lincoln's Classroom. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Feb. 2016.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Thirteenth Amendment

December 1864
I have been so focused on my families safety that I almost forgot about the 1864 Election. In November it was announced that Lincoln won reelection in November. I am so glad he has helped the Union through so many victories and the army has been doing so well. The Union wouldn't be doing so well without his support; however, in this election he lost followers even from the Republican Party. My husband has said that people say that Lincoln doesn't care enough about slavery and that he is holding too much authority. I don't agree with either of these ideas because Lincoln has tried hard to make slavery illegal and he holds a grasp on the country because if he didn't it would fall apart. We needed a leader to win this war and he fits the job perfectly. Lincoln ran against a former Union commander, George McClellan, who was elected by the Republican Party. Thankfully many people started to favor Lincoln after all the victories that the Union army was seeing and soldiers who were loyal to President Lincoln were even allowed to go home and vote. Zachary told me that the ballots noted that McClellan achieved 45% of the popular vote but Lincoln received an amazing 212 out of the 233 electoral votes. The north has shown the south that we will not negotiate with them. Slavery will be banned once and all will be equal and free in the United States. The south is finally almost defeated.

Council on Foreign Relations. Council on Foreign Relations, n.d. Web. 23 Feb. 2016.
"United States Presidential Election of 1864 | United States Government." Encyclopedia Britannica Online. Encyclopedia Britannica, n.d. Web. 23 Feb. 2016.

February 1865
I just received a very long letter from my son about a battle that had been heating up since the summer of 1864. Lee's army has been making desperate stances against General Grant. Adam said that they were trying to get into Richmond but they were stopped at Petersburg by the Confederates. In my opinion it was not smart for the Confederacy to try to stop the Union army at Petersburg because it was a necessary railroad center. All supplies to Richmond would be cut off but I have full faith in Grant and I was right to believe in him. Adam says that Grant seems to prefer siege tactics and the Union army closed in on Petersburg from the summer to the winter. My son said that the Union built great trenches but the Confederates did as well and both sides created fortifications. Adam said that he grew quite impatient with the whole process and by March 1865, 30 miles of defense rapped around Petersburg. As always the battle was bloody and I read in a newspaper that 40,000 Union soldiers were killed compared to the 28,000 Confederates yet we didn't lose. Adam said that there were replacement soldiers in the Union army but the Confederates didn't have replacements so they had very few men therefore growing the strength of the Union. During this battle the Confederates realized they were in desperate need of any kind of support. In February of 1865 out of desperation the Confederate Vice President, Alexander Stephens, and the rest of his part went to negotiate with Lincoln. My husband has told about how the south is looking for an end to the war; however, the south didn't agree with the terms of the Thirteenth Amendment. The amendment had already been introduced to the Constitution by the US Congress stating that slavery would be outlawed but the Confederate peace delegation was unwilling to throw slavery away.Lincoln doesn't seem to take no as an answer and that is what I like out him. Despite the outcome of the meeting that took place in February, he knew the north would be victorious. According to Zachary, Lincoln wanted to find a way to bring the Confederacy back into the Union and this proved to be quite a challenge. Many northerners felt that the south should be punished but Lincoln had opposite ideas. He wanted to defeat the Confederates and abandon slavery but his vision included a nation of peace and justice. Lincoln announced I. His second Inaugural Address that the states shall be "with malice toward none" and Americans will "do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace." The United States will be whole once again and I have just received the news that the thirteenth Amendment has been passed so I am very pleased at the moment.

"The Thirteenth Amendment." The Thirteenth Amendment. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Feb. 2016.

Sherman's March

March 1864
I am so proud of my son and my husband and I am so happy that my husband will finally be coming back home. He has done his time in the army and it is time for him to come home and hopefully Adam will come home soon also. Harriet has also just arrived home. She is missing a leg but I am grateful to have her back. Along with the happiness of my family being okay it is also very exciting that the Union has had such great victories. General Grant has been made Commander of the entire Union military because of his fantastic leadership. Lincoln believes greatly in General Grant and after the way he has helped the north I assume he won't accept anything other than a victory. According to Adam, General Grant already has his eyes on Richmond the Confederate capital. Adam has told me that Grant said to the army, "I propose to fight it out if it takes all summer." I am glad to have such a persistent Commander that will lead us to victory.
"Ulysses S. Grant and the American Civil War." - Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Feb. 2016.

January 1865
Adam has fought a countless amount of battles but he has wrote to me saying that there have been many more other than then ones he fought in. He told me that he fought in the battles the Wilderness, and Cold Harbor and the battle he didn't fight in was called Spotsylvania Court House. The tactic that General Grant used was called total war and Adam has said that this is a dreadful strategy. The Union army harms civilians along with the Confederate army. Adam said that Grant hoped to inflict more injuries and so the Confederates wouldn't be strong enough or have enough people to withstand the Union army. My son said that there were tens of thousands of soldiers killed on both sides and the war did take all summer and a few months after as well. He tells me that he is dreadfully tired but he feels as though the war is almost over and he wants to fight for the life of James which was taken by the enemy. I am pleased by this but I wasn't pleased with the amount of people killed or the strategy used by General Grant. I feel as though total war is a gruesome type of idea that only the south would use and I am not the only one upset by this. Zachary has told me he's glad he left the war because he wouldn't want to be forced to kill every Confederate he saw because that is an unjust way to fight. Not all people that are in the Confederacy are bad because not all of them support slavery. Although the total war strategy isn't a favorite of mine it still works and it was even adopted by General William Tecumseh Sherman. My son didn't fight in this battle but he has heard the details from his friends and he told me that the battle occurred in May. General Sherman took 60,000 and made them march from the Tennessee-Georgia boarder to Savanna, Georgia. After the army marched the 250 miles they went to capture the port of Savanna. Adam says his friends called this the "March to the Sea" and they didn't like how they gained supplies and neither do I. The soldiers got their supplies by stealing along the way and then destroying all valuable possessions and they also vandalized private property, destroyed buildings and tore apart railroad tracks. The Confederate soldiers were forced to leave Atlanta due to the Union forces closing in. On September 2, Sherman forced the residents to leave despite the protests and the Union troops burnt it to the ground. General Sherman didn't stop there, in December he captured Savanna. Adam has said that southerners are now calling the General "Sherman the Brute." This war has been so long and now with the General we have gained nothing can stand in our way. Although I am not happy with the strategies that are being used they are working and all I need is for the war to end at this point.
Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 23 Feb. 2016.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Battle of Gettysburg

 January 1863
My husband has finally written to me about another battle that has occurred. He has told me that he is officially part of the army of the Potomac under the leadership of General Burnside. The fight occurred in Fredericksburg, Virginia against Lee's army and the odds seemed in our favor. The battle was in 1862 in December and Lee brought his army of only 80,000 to fight against Burnside's 120,000 troops. My husband said he believed that the north was going to win but Lee was joined by Stonewall Jackson and James Longstreet. Zachary said in his letter that the Union army obtained twice the amount of casualties as the Confederate troops. I am very happy that he wasn't injured but I am disappointed that the army failed because if the north wants to win the war this can't happen again. As can be expected, Lincoln replaced general Burnside with General Joseph Hooker. I hope he will have a better plan so we can prevent the humiliating feeling of losing at such an advantage.

"Ambrose Burnside." A&E Television Networks, n.d. Web. 22 Feb. 2016.

 July 1863
Zachary has written to me again about the offensive that was launched by General Joseph Hooker. He wasn't very confident in what the outcome of this battle would look like but he hoped the new general would help. The armies battled at Chancellorsville but as before the Federals weren't strong enough. The outcome of this battle is devastating. I am happy that my husband is okay but I haven't heard from Adam or Harriet. With all the battles it is easy to lose track of all the fighting that is actually happening and if they even are fighting. My husband tells me that troops were talking about how worried Lincoln is with all the loses. He doesn't know how the country will react but I think everything will be fine because I have finally heard some good news for the north. Zachary wrote to me that the Union is ready to fight again because of the death of Stonewall Jackson. He was killed throughout the fighting by one of his own men. Can you believe it? A confederate solider killed him. I think that this can finally lead to victory for the Union. Unfortunately, Lee is currently trying to demoralize the Union by gaining support from other countries. He hopes to force an end to the war and he is trying to invade the north. In June they entered Union territory and they went up to Pennsylvania. This scares me more than I can describe because the army is in our land and they weren't stopped. I haven't heard anything from Zachary about the thoughts of their general. I don't even know if he has the same general so I guess I will have to wait for his next letter before I can stop worrying.
"The Death of Jackson." Opinionator The Death of Jackson Comments. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Feb. 2016.

August 1863
I have heard from my husband so I am thankful and I have finally received a letter from Adam. Adam has brought once again more dreadful news. Harriet was injured during battle and to save her her leg was cut off. She is not dead but he says that she is not doing well and after she is fixed the doctors will send her home. Of course they still don't know that she is a girl so I hope she will be okay but I am glad that I will be able to have her home soon. Adam has just come out of a three day battle. He says that this was his first time fighting in a while. Zachary had told me that he fought in the battle as well and that he will soon becoming home. The battle occurred  in Gettysburg hence why it is being called the Battle of Gettysburg an edit occurred on July 1 and it has been quite a gruesome battle.  Lee's intentions were to to seize boots from a factory in Gettysburg but the Army of the Potomac was ready. The Army of Potomac now is under the leadership of General George Meade. The battle started by the Confederate troops running into  brigades of Union Calvary directed by General John Buford. My husband has explained to me that brigades are just a military formation used and that the men were just on horses. Buford called for reinforcements and he and his men spread out even outside of the town. On the first day of fighting the Union didn't do well and they were pushed back through the town. I worried once Zachary told me this but he said that the advance by the Confederates was ended at night. Within this time General Meade was able to strengthen the positioning of the Union by bringing the rest of his army. Adam has told me that he was in the army that was brought during nightfall and that he was ready to fight will all his might. Adam and the other troops created a two and a half defense line. The second day of the battle Lee's men prepared to destroy the two ends of the Union line. Adam told me that Lee had one force push Meade's defense north while General Longstreet attacked the southern end. Adam wrote saying he has never seen such forceful fighting as he had seen that day. The confederates failed to break the Union line. Zachary told me that he was part of a group of Union troops that noticed a flaw. There was an undefended position on Little Round top and they rushed to it and met Confederates rushing uphill. At the top of the hill was unit from Maine under the control of Colonel Joshua L. Chamberlain. My husband said that he was apart of this fight and that the Confederates charged multiple times. Eventually the men and ammunition started to run out so Chamberlain ordered a bayonet charge. The Confederates became exhausted and scattered by the attack and many Confederates started to surrender. When nightfall came Union still held the high ground but Lee was very persistent. My husband said by this time he was very tired but the Confederates attacked one more time on July 3. Lee ordered an artillery barrage to the middle of the Union line in order to break up the Union defenses. Lee's men were destroyed as they marched toads the Cemetery Ridge they were beat down by Union forces. Lee's men included a division under the leadership of George Pickett and Pickett's failed charge lead Lee to demand reposition of Pickett's division but he no longer had one. The Battle of Gettysburg ended with this and my husband said that as he looked onto the battle field all he could see was bloody bodies. According to statistics that I found in the newspaper 50,000 were killed or injured around half of them being Confederates. My husband said that nearly a third of Lee's troops were killed and he was forced to abandon his planned invasion of the north. My husband says that the Confederates have been crushed and he doesn't think they will ever come to the north to fight again after what happened.

"The Battle of Gettysburg." The Battle of Gettysburg. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Feb. 2016.
Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 23 Feb. 2016.

December 1863
Lincoln is so gracious and understanding. In November, he went to Gettysburg where the battle was held and he dedicated a cemetery to the soldiers who fought so bravely. Lincoln said a speech known as the Gettysburg Address and he spoke about the long war. He described the need to fulfill the Declaration of Independence and that there is a reason to keep fighting throughout the long Civil War.  He wishes to keep a nation that is "dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal." His words were much needed for me to hear because I almost forgot the true reasons for the war. We must fight for justice and this will only be fulfilled if we win.

"A Reading of the Gettysburg Address - The Imaginative Conservative." The Imaginative Conservative. N.p., 17 Mar. 2015. Web. 23 Feb. 2016.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Troubles on both Northern and Southern home fronts part #2

Zachary is being forced to join as a solider in the war. The Union has ordered a conscription of white men ranging from ages 20-45 and not all men are picked but Zachary happened to be one who is. This is unfair to our family due to my other two sons in the war and one is still sick. Also Harriet is still missing. This war is destroying every part of our family. Zachary has the option to pay $300 dollars for a replacement but he has bravely chosen to fight for what his country and for what he believes.We are one of the only families that I know that is forcing us to send some one to serve in the army; I have found that most of the other called upon are resent immigrants or poor. With this draft many people have become scared of losing their jobs to African Americans looking for work. An outbreak of violence has occurred due to the fear people have obtained and this has lead to the New York Draft Riot of July 1863. My husband has told me of this riot which apparently lasted four days and they attacked African Americans and destroyed factories that are making weapons and other supplies for the war. African Americans are now being targeted in the north but it's not their fault; the government has created this issue with the draft so our anger should be expressed toward the government not each other. Lincoln's conduct of war is also being insulted starting a new group called the "Peace Democrats" but they are also known as Copperheads. I am honestly fine with this group because they don't all believe that violence is the answer, they just want the war to end but Lincoln seems to find this a huge threat. He has suspended a constitutional right called habeas corpus and from what I know this right prevented someone from going to a jail if there wasn't a specific crime. The military is now arresting what seems to be everyone because of the orders provided to arrest anyone that is suspected of disloyalty within the Union. Although the Union is struggling the Confederacy is doing even worse due to their lack of resources and economic demands. The south is being forced to survive mostly off of their own farms  and factories due to the Union blockade of southern ports. Union forces are also blocking rail roads and rivers making it complicated for farmers to deliver food to markets. The Confederate president, Jefferson Davis, has been struggling to find money to support his military. My husband has told me that this is because the south was producing most of its money through the production of sugar, tobacco and cotton due to the help of their 3 million slaves. Confederate troops are now being known to take the weapons and supplies of Union soldiers due to their economic trouble. The British has recently helping the Confederacy with their ships which are being used as blockade runners; however, the war is too expensive for the south to keep up. It has been very hard for southerners to obtain imports and the 10% tax on farm production has mostly been ignored. Just like the in the north riots have been started in the south because of inflation and the shortage of food. Zachary has said that southern unity has become very weak and he has heard rumors of parties forming against Davis. Some states have even refused to send troops outside of their boarders or making their militia listen to commanders from their states. The Confederate government has also lead to the southerners calling for the impeachment of Davis due to the suspension of habeas corpus, conscription laws and the seizing of property. The south is upset and they seem tired. The north are at an advantage but w are still struggling, especially my family. This war needs to end and I am trying to keep my family safe but this war is too unpredictable.
Council on Foreign Relations. Council on Foreign Relations, n.d. Web. 22 Feb. 2016.