Monday, February 22, 2016

Effects of the War

I have never seen so much disaster and tragedy hit the United States. Zachary has told me that over all there were a total of 600 hundred deaths and thousands more were injured. I have never seen so many pictures or journals of a war, this war was like no other. There is a peculiar journalist named Mathew Brady and I have been drawn to him because of his exhibit "The dead at the Antietam." There are even people interested in my journals and they enjoy reading notes about the war from my husband and sons. I am very interested to hear all about the war but I wish Lincoln was here because there has been so much social and political disappointment on both sides and this has lead to economic greed. The United States has found itself in the Gilded Age, this age has come because of the cover up of all of the destruction that had occurred. The north is still doing well and it still is in an industrial boom even though the war has ended and hopefully the industry doesn't turn into a bust because I don't think the country is strong enough to handle that yet. The Land Grant College Act was passed in 1862 and according to my husband this was an act and legislature passed by Congress ordering a protective tariff. The purpose of the act is to give money gained from the selling of public land to states to create Universities that teach "agriculture and mechanical arts." This act has been very helpful due to its effectiveness in protecting the northern industries from other competition and it has also raised money which is greatly needed. I have also noticed that there has been more machinery appearing at my job and my husband said that this is just an effect of the Land Grant College Act but the machines have proven to be very helpful. It seems as though the north is doing well for just coming out of a war and I hope everything stays steady and peaceful.

The United States is emerging as an global economic power. I never thought we would be able to do so well after such a major war but the northern banks, factories and cities have gone through a huge industrialization. Although the north is doing well, the south was destroyed and it has been taking rather long to rebuild it. Many cities in the south were destroyed, such as Richmond and Atlanta, but along with cities many railroads and factories were ruined as well. The south no longer has the luxury of slavery therefore making it struggle to regain economic balance. They have been relying greatly on the north and they have been trying the modern cash society. Agriculture is no where near as successful as it use to be but it still remains the center of the southern economy, and I presume this is because they have never done anything but farming. I feel quite sorry for the south because it was completely destroyed and now they are struggling to rebuild it. I almost blame Sherman for his idea of total war but Adam tells me that there was no other option and I guess he is right but I just can't help it. I keep imagining soldiers who fought like Adam had but ging home only to find that their house was burnt down. I have heard that countless houses and farms were destroyed and it's almost as if we set back the entire United States as a whole. Zachary has said that there have been many white southerners that are now homeless and they wonder aimlessly some even muttering things like, "Oh, our God! What sins we must have been guilty of that we should be so humiliated by Thee now!" Along with the white settlers,  African Americans don't seem to know what to do with themselves either but now they have opportunities like never before. Some have headed to take advantage of the Homestead Act in the west but it appears that freedom is not as nice as they had hopped. The government has been greatly changed especially since Lincoln was killed. Political life seems to be disorderly but hopefully secession is the worst threat that will ever occur. I have noticed many things becoming intertwined such as economic, political and social life. This has become very helpful but I don't think arguing between states will ever end. The war had destroyed the nation but peace by peace we are coming back together bigger and better than ever. Federal authority has become greater and the federal government has become very active and helpful. I think this war will prevent other States from breaking apart from this country because of the national bond provided by the Constitution. The States have over come war and pain but this has lead us to the national that we are and will keep on becoming. War has helped us and we will learn from our mistakes. I still have my family and although it is broken we are okay just like the country we will become strong again.

video link:

"Rossford Exempted Village Schools." - Effects of the Minie Ball on Civil War Combat. N.p., 23 Feb. 2016. Web. 23 Feb. 2016.
"Redirect Notice." Redirect Notice. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Feb. 2016.

"Impact of the Civil War Video." A&E Television Networks, n.d. Web. 23 Feb. 2016.

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