Thursday, February 4, 2016

Advantages of both sides

 I hope that the war is short so that life can go back to usual eventually. I have found out that my two sons, James and Adam, have volunteered to fight in the war. I am so happy that they are willing to fight for the safety of our family and for what they believe. I pray to God that neither of them are hurt but unfortunately I know how merciless and brutal the south's actions can be so they must be smart. I remember before the war when the conflict of slavery began and they were so young but now they are 18 and 17. Even Harriet and Elizabeth are so old, I feel as though this war is taking over their lives, they have grown up along the conflict and now it is time for it to end. My friend, Liza, is still in North Carolina and she has wrote to me telling me how the southern army hopes to greatly damage the Union army and preserve its own small armies and to demolish the Unions will to fight. Liza has also told me about the need of trade so they are hoping to become on good terms with Britain and France due to the cut off of supplies from the north and they are also hoping for military aid. My sons have told me the plan of the Union is a two part plan created by the Mexican-American war hero, General Winfield Scott. I have heard many good things about General Winfield Scott and in 1861 he was the commander of all US forces. I am glad to have such an amazing war hero on the side of the Union. His plan started with blocking all of the southern ports preventing supplies from getting to the Confederacy. The second part of the plan is that the Union army will go southward following the Mississippi River and the control of this river would leave the Confederacy split in two and this would destroy them. Due to the tactics used in this plan it is now referred to as the Anaconda plan. Some northern congress men preferred a larger army that they felt would quickly free slaves but I like the Anaconda plan the most. The Union is also in a tricky spot because the boarder states of Maryland, Missouri, Kentucky and Delaware still permit slavery but they aren't part of the Confederacy. If any or all of the boarder states decided to join the Confederacy then the Union could be lost and so Lincoln has clearly stated that his only hope was to preserve the Union and not abolish slavery. He declared, "I believe I have no lawful right to [free the slaves] and I have no inclination to do so." The Union is in a good place and if we can keep this up then we shall win the war within no time.
"G. Union Advantages/disadvantages - Miss Rich: Civil War." G. Union Advantages/disadvantages - Miss Rich: Civil War. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Feb. 2016.
"North1790-1860north." Emaze Presentations. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Feb. 2016.

1 comment:

  1. What about the psychological edge that the COnfederacy has? What about the type of war each has to fight? Who has it better?
