Thursday, February 4, 2016

Robert E. Lee

I think that the north will easily will this war against the south. The war is the talk of the nation, it's on every newspaper. I am even permitted to teach the students at the school about conflict going on and to updated. From what I have heard so far the north has more advantages which will lead to an easy and harmless victory. The north has an astounding population of 22 million people where the south only has 9 million but 3.5 million are slaves that I doubt will want to fight along side their harsh owners. Not to mention the north's industry has prepared us for war better than the south's agriculture could ever provide for them. The Union is in better hands due to the excessive amount of ammunition, uniforms, medical sup lies and weapons being produced. The Union is easily able to gain coal and iron and this is very helpful and our population and production is only growing because of European immigrants seeking job opportunities. The Union also has a better railroad network so troops and materials can move quickly and efficiently. The Union also has an army which is rapidly growing in size with 250 warships already launched and much more to come. Zachary also informed me that the south doesn't even have their own navy and this has allowed the Union to produce a naval blockade preventing supplies crucial to the south to be delivered. On top of all of the advantages that I have already named the biggest one is that the Confederate government is new and the Union has perfected theirs throughout many years. When the first constitution was created it caused much conflict and was found to not work but now the Union is found in the trusted hands of Abraham Lincoln. We will fight to either defeat the south or bring them into the Union again but the outcome doesn't matter as long as slavery is gone and my family is safe. We need a strong army and we have 16,000 troops but we will need more. My husband has also told me about commander Robert E. Lee who is known for his magnificent record in the United States Army. Although he is from Virginia he opposed the thoughts of slavery yet he refused to help the Union army and is commanding the Confederacy army. The south is trying to avoid defeat and the supplies from the north is having to travel further because we have to fight on the offensive side in southern territory. We shall protect the capital and keep our dignity, long live the north!

"Robert E. Lee (1-19-1807 - 10-12-1870)." N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Feb. 2016.
"North vs. South." By Suicidecrew on DeviantArt. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Feb. 2016.

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