Sunday, February 14, 2016

Troubles on both Northern and Southern home fronts part #2

Zachary is being forced to join as a solider in the war. The Union has ordered a conscription of white men ranging from ages 20-45 and not all men are picked but Zachary happened to be one who is. This is unfair to our family due to my other two sons in the war and one is still sick. Also Harriet is still missing. This war is destroying every part of our family. Zachary has the option to pay $300 dollars for a replacement but he has bravely chosen to fight for what his country and for what he believes.We are one of the only families that I know that is forcing us to send some one to serve in the army; I have found that most of the other called upon are resent immigrants or poor. With this draft many people have become scared of losing their jobs to African Americans looking for work. An outbreak of violence has occurred due to the fear people have obtained and this has lead to the New York Draft Riot of July 1863. My husband has told me of this riot which apparently lasted four days and they attacked African Americans and destroyed factories that are making weapons and other supplies for the war. African Americans are now being targeted in the north but it's not their fault; the government has created this issue with the draft so our anger should be expressed toward the government not each other. Lincoln's conduct of war is also being insulted starting a new group called the "Peace Democrats" but they are also known as Copperheads. I am honestly fine with this group because they don't all believe that violence is the answer, they just want the war to end but Lincoln seems to find this a huge threat. He has suspended a constitutional right called habeas corpus and from what I know this right prevented someone from going to a jail if there wasn't a specific crime. The military is now arresting what seems to be everyone because of the orders provided to arrest anyone that is suspected of disloyalty within the Union. Although the Union is struggling the Confederacy is doing even worse due to their lack of resources and economic demands. The south is being forced to survive mostly off of their own farms  and factories due to the Union blockade of southern ports. Union forces are also blocking rail roads and rivers making it complicated for farmers to deliver food to markets. The Confederate president, Jefferson Davis, has been struggling to find money to support his military. My husband has told me that this is because the south was producing most of its money through the production of sugar, tobacco and cotton due to the help of their 3 million slaves. Confederate troops are now being known to take the weapons and supplies of Union soldiers due to their economic trouble. The British has recently helping the Confederacy with their ships which are being used as blockade runners; however, the war is too expensive for the south to keep up. It has been very hard for southerners to obtain imports and the 10% tax on farm production has mostly been ignored. Just like the in the north riots have been started in the south because of inflation and the shortage of food. Zachary has said that southern unity has become very weak and he has heard rumors of parties forming against Davis. Some states have even refused to send troops outside of their boarders or making their militia listen to commanders from their states. The Confederate government has also lead to the southerners calling for the impeachment of Davis due to the suspension of habeas corpus, conscription laws and the seizing of property. The south is upset and they seem tired. The north are at an advantage but w are still struggling, especially my family. This war needs to end and I am trying to keep my family safe but this war is too unpredictable.
Council on Foreign Relations. Council on Foreign Relations, n.d. Web. 22 Feb. 2016.

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