Thursday, January 28, 2016

John Brown's Raid

Everything in my family is going quite well, I was thinking about how young my family was before the conflict between our nation began. It feels as though it was ages ago and now I am expecting another child. I didn't want to have a child but Zachary insisted. I'm just scared for the child's life throughout all of the debates that have stirred the nation once again. In 1858, the debates between Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas began, there were a series of seven debates. The debates took place as they competed for the seat in the US senate. My husband has not told me much about either of the candidates but he told me that Lincoln is know by some as "Honest Abe." I like this name very much because many political leaders of the nation constantly lie in order to gain votes or power, I don't want a leader who lies to get their position. Lincoln is known for his views of the Kansas-Nebraska Territory and how they opposed the views of Douglas. I side with Lincoln on this issue; he opposed the act and didn't agree with the expansion of slavery. Douglas confuses me, I read an article of him saying he likes slavery yet he owns no slaves and he has supporters are from both the north and the south. Lincoln referred to the Dred Scott case as wrong and expressed how popular sovereignty isn't effective as well. Zachary and I agree with Lincoln, he thinks we should be equal to African-Americans. We all have natural born rights and to be treated equally is one of them. My husband and I are not even African- American but we fight this cause with strong leaders like Lincoln on our side because this issue is unjust. America has come so far and fought so many wars against other countries, are we really going to get to the point were we have to fight ourselves? The debates brought up many issues and overall I was very pleased with how Douglas and Lincoln weren't afraid to admit and fight against the large flaws in our society. The votes were very close but Douglas won but Lincoln still gained lots of attention for the debates as well. Douglas and Lincoln both agreed that slavery had to be solved within our nation's laws. There came some opposition to this idea including people who disagreed like John Brown. I personally don't like him, he brought my friends into trouble when they met in Kansas and although he is from the north I don't like his violent ways. I think Brown is crazy and my friends that know him agree. My friend, Lucia, sent me a letter talking about John Brown. She said that Brown thought he was an angel sent from God to use violence to stop slavery. I agree that slavery should stop but I think it is odd that he thinks he is an angel and I don't think violence should be provoked. In 1857, Brown took a trip for several months after planning his attack. He went through New England, the Midwest and Canada in hopes of gaining recruits and money to create an armed assault on slavery.  Brown conducted his plan wrong, he brought other countries into the conflict of slavery and this will only make it bigger and worse. We don't need violence we need a leader but in 1859, Brown took his 21 men to Harpers Ferry, Virginia to seize the federal Arsenal. Brown's men included 5 African-Americans and he hoped to inspire slaves to rise up in a revolution. Hapers Ferry had many canals and trains which would create perfect escape routes but few Americans wanted to join the rebellion. One of Brown's close friends, Fredrick Douglas, refused to join because he didn't want the whole country turn on them. Brown's army didn't last long, he and his men were surrounded in the Arsenal by local citizens and they were arrested. Some of his men escaped to Canada but two of Brown's sons were killed but Brown went to the gallows. I have heard many rumors and more conflict has been caused. Zachary told me that Stephen Douglas accused republicans for helping Brown with his attack. The southern men even wished an investigation but Lincoln and other Republicans condemned Brown. This issue has the south preparing war, even congressmen started bringing guns to the capital. Brown was executed; I am happy about this but I have come to agree with some of his last words, "the crimes of [slavery] of this guilty land will never purge away,... without very much bloodshed."

"Slavery John Brown Raid." YouTube. N.p., n.d. Web. 01 Feb. 2016.

Dred Scott Decision

The north and south are too different to ever come together, either all the state's have to become free or slave or we won't be able to thrive as a nation. I have discovered this throughout the election of 1856, at first I was excited to see a change in the nation but I don't even know how to help this nation anymore. John C. Frémot, a Mexican American war hero and abolitionist, ran for the Republican Party and James Buchanan of Pennsylvania was nominated for Democrats. The former president, Millard Filmore, ran for the Know-Nothings. I agree with the Republicans, they think that slavery should be banned from the western territories including Kansas being added as a free state and they don't agree with popular sovereignty. Unfortunately Buchanan won the presidential election by promising he would stop "the agitation of the slavery issue." Although this presidential election once again didn't go the way I hoped I was happily informed by my husband that Frémot received 1/3 of  the popular vote along with 11 northern states. Conflict between the north and south didn't take long to occur, in 1857, Dred Scott, a slave from Missouri, sued for his freedom. The US Supreme Court ruled in the case, my husband told me that Scott's owner had taken him to the free states Illinois and Wisconsin Territory. In the territory slavery was outlawed due to the Missouri compromise so Scott had been living on free land as a slave. The law shouldn't be broken like this! This case made me outraged, if the law broken then what is the point of having it? The rest of the case makes me more frustrated. Scott's case reached the Supreme Court under Roger B Taney, the Chief Justice but the court ruled against Scott. The reasons as to why the court ruled against him make me even angrier; they said that a slave is technically not a citizen therefore they can't sue courts. They considered a slave a piece of property, nothing more. This statement makes me want to leave this country, if we can't see that slaves are human than something needs to happen. I am done with waiting for a change, even the court is denying its own laws. The court said that the Missouri Compromise didn't apply to this situation because it is illegal for congress to take some one's property away from them. This is unjust reasoning because it once again refers to a slave as an item of property rather than a human. The south shouldn't be proud of this, this court case doesn't make any sense. It's as if the south is cheating in the "race" against the north to keep slavery. I think the north should secede from the nation, I don't want to live with the south, they are unfair, unjust and they cheat to get their way. I am done with fighting over slavery, it is starting to affect my family. My very own mother was arrested for breaking the Fugitive Slave law. What I don't understand is if the south can bend the laws then why can't the north. The north and south have been fighting for too long, I wish to stop seeing my family suffer through this tedious fight which is getting this nation nowhere.

"The Dred Scott Case." YouTube. N.p., n.d. Web. 01 Feb. 2016.
Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 22 Feb. 2016.

Creation of the Republican Party

There has been so much debate and anger throughout politics that I don't even know what to believe anymore. The Whig president, Millard Filmore, has been upsetting the south because he supported California becoming a free state. My husband has decided to leave this party along with many other northerners after we found out about his support for the Fugitive Slave Act and Popular Sovereignty. My husband and I are strongly against the Fugitive Slave Act and I have heard awful things about Popular Sovereignty. The presidents hand been using it as an excuse not to pick if they are pro slavery or antislavery so they can gain more votes. In 1852, the presidential election was chaos, the Whig party could no longer find a candidate. Henry Clay has died along with Daniel Webster, my husband said he would have voted for either of these men because he felt as though they actually knew how to run the country. The Whig party ended up with a military hero, Winfield Scott, as their candidate. Democrats on the other hand believed they would preserve the nation and they endorsed the 1850 Compromise, gaining them more votes. This country is greatly changing and new ideas about slavery are constantly coming about. My husband told me that he is currently worried about religion, I have told him he worries too much but he has told me all about immigrants. He has told me that we were Protestants because it was the dominate religion in America and he wanted our family to conform best to the changing ways of society by being like everyone else. He has informed me that Catholicism has become the largest religious group in the nation due to Americans from Irish and German backgrounds and Spanish-speaking natives who I presume settled in America after the Mexican-American War. As usual this issue has spiraled into a huge problem and a new group called the "Know-Nothings" have appeared but they apparently won't admit to being a group. In 1855, the "Know-Nothings" abandoned its secrecy and this group tried to become a political party; however, the party was further divided due to slavery seen in the western territories. With all the political parties breaking up a new one has come to rise called the Republican Party. I am in favor of this party because it was created by an antislavery zeal. The party has started growing rapidly throughout the north and in 1856 it was as strong as the older parties. I finally can completely agree with a party because it is completely antislavery, maybe we will actually be able to workout actual problems in this election. 
"Brief History of the GOP." BCRO. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Feb. 2016.
"History of the Republican Party Timeline." Timetoast. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Feb. 2016.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

"Bleeding Kansas"

I'm so glad that my son, James, got a fever, I know this sounds harsh so let me explain myself. As I mentioned before Zachary wanted our family to move to Kansas but due to James feverish behavior we were set back on time. By the time James was feeling better I had already read newspapers about Kansas and I found out about the violence that was occurring in Kansas. Zachary refuses to admit that his idea to move to Kansas wouldn't have worked out but it doesn't matter to me, as long as the family is safe then I shall be content. The newspaper portrayed images of great violence, apparently lots of farmers immediately went to settle in Kansas but many other citizens were attracted to Kansas as well. Citizens from the north and south headed to settle in Kansas but both sides seemed to have political motives. I have seen great pictures of violence as the north and south try to outnumber each other. The idea of popular sovereignty in this new land has created more chaos than the government planned. The north settlers want it to be a free state but of course the south must also try to fight for it to be a slave state. This competition will soon spiral out of control and I thank my son for his sickness which has prevented us from the destruction of the clashes of the north and south. Two governments have been set up within Kansas but this is not helping. In 1855, the pro slavery settlers created a government close to the boarder of the slave state Missouri. I have never heard of such outrageous people, according to my husband some of the slave owners from Missouri casted illegal votes in the debate for if Kansas should be a free or slave state. Pro slavery laws were being passed and a constitution was even developed two years later but northern abolitionists were also in Kansas. The north wouldn't let the south cheat their way to victory so money was raised by the New England Emigrant Aid Society. The money helped supporters establish Lawrence, a new town, close to the pro slavery capital. The antislavery advocates established a government in Topeka and by 1856 this government had petitioned to congress for statehood. This plan was a disaster and I read about the first act of violence in the newspaper. Of course the violence was started by the unruly south, they invaded the antislavery town of Lawrence. They burnt homes and demolished the presses of The Kansas Free State newspaper. I personally am very upset by this because Zachary has been getting the Kansas newspaper through work and now I worry how I will be able to constantly be updated on the well being of the new state and the people in it. The violence hasn't ended there, I have friends that moved to Kansas and they have bee updating me through letters. One of my friends, Lucia Landten, has settled in Kansas with her husband Richard in hopes of finding a simple place to settle down and raise kids but they have found that impossible. They have been telling me of the horrific acts occurring. She told me of a man named John Brown that she met; he is a New York abolitionist and is trying to find opportunities to confront slavery. He lives with his family near Lawrence and he gathered his sons and a few friends, including Richard, and executed five pro slavery settlers. Violent outbreaks have been constantly occurring now making the territory known as "Bleeding Kansas." In 1858, Franklin Pierce wanted to add Kansas as a slave state again but it doesn't look as though the problems with Kansas will be resolved anytime soon.
United States. National Park Service. "Bleeding Kansas Lesson Plan." National Parks Service. U.S. Department of the Interior, 19 Feb. 2016. Web. 22 Feb. 2016.
"Nathan Hale's Hazardous Tales: Bleeding Kansas Part 2." Nathan Hale's Hazardous Tales: Bleeding Kansas Part 2. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Feb. 2016.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Kansas-Nebraska Act

Zachary has informed me with such a insane matter, he has requested to move to the Kansas territory. This can't be good for our children, especially not little Harriet, I simply refuse, what kind of life would we be given? I am content living in the free state of Connecticut, it is beautiful and gives me plenty of pleasure. This idea became aroused in Zachary's mind through a debate he was included in. The debate consisted of thoughts about slavery, obviously something must be done. Slavery is the talk of the nation, neighbors turn on neighbors, and towns are aroused by riots late into the evening. The government has tried to simmer down these violent outbreaks, so far three attempts have been made: The Missouri Compromise, the Wilmot Proviso and the Compromise of 1850. Of course as I expected the issue of slavery has surfaced again in congress, it was brought up by Senator Douglas. Zachary has become very intrigued with Douglas's thoughts especially the introduction of his new bill. I have read in the newspaper about the bill introduced to create a government for the Nebraska territory but of course this ended in a bitter debate. Zachary seems to act as if he is a part of royalty ever since he attended the debate, he claims he has never been so intrigued in anything before. The Kansas land was going to be decided by popular sovereignty but of course problems arose in the south. There was fear that the state would become free, this is what Zachary wanted, but to avoid more conflict Douglas decided to split the property into two pieces. Ideally one would be slave and one would be free but as I have recently notice, life doesn't always seem to work out. The two properties became Kansas and Nebraska; my husband has said that the properties seem to be full of potential for a new life but I wish to not bet our chances. Many more issues are involving, if one state were to be free and the other were to be a slave then the slave state would have to be above the Missouri compromise line. This line is not suppose to have slave states above it, I will be quite upset if a slave state is put on top of the boundary line. Slavery doesn't need to be spread more, it must now be contained.
"Kansas Nebraska Act." N.p., 22 Jan. 2012. Web. 22 Feb. 2016.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Uncle Tom's Cabin

My husband recently told me about a novel called Uncle Tom's Cabin, I decided to read the book and it has given me a new outlook on life. The book came out this year in 1852 and it was published by Harriet Beecher Stowe. The book gives a powerful outlook on slavery, it brings to my attention things I take for granted and haven't thought about before. I haven't witnessed all the horrors of slavery but through this book I feel as though I have, the main character, Uncle Tom makes slavery seem so real to those who have never experienced it. Uncle Tom is pictured as very gentle there is also a scared slave mother and slave sellers some kind and others cruel. This book has inspired the north to do something but I'm scared of the South's reaction, with the north being persuaded that slavery is so bad this can't be good for the south.
"Uncle Tom's Cabin by Shmoop." YouTube. YouTube, n.d. Web. 22 Feb. 2016.
"UTC: History of the Book in the 19th Century U.S." UTC: History of the Book in the 19th Century U.S. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Feb. 2016.

Underground Railroad and Harriet Tubman

I am so very proud today of my husband, the nation and myself. I just had my child, it's a girl and I have named her Harriet and I shall explain why.
An abolitionist movement has begun, it has made me proud to live in the north and my husband and I have officially become northern abolitionists. We are not the only ones who have decided to become abolitionists, much of the north is trying to help slaves and my husband is one of these people. I am so proud of him, he has found an organization called the underground railroad. It's purpose is to help free slaves and it is conducted by northern abolitionists and free slaves. My husband has explained to me the process, it is not an actual railroad service but railroad terminology is used to describe the actions of the organization. I have heard that "conductors" will hide slaves in farm wagons or boats and then they are moved to the north. In order for everything to work complicated hand signals are used and this helps move the slaves through the Underground Railroad. This organization is able to carry slaves over hundreds of miles of dangerous terrain. My husband has even taught me some of the hand signals used, I am so proud of his brave sacrifice and I feel as though he is helping make an improvement in our nation if only our kids could understand what a hero he is. He has met so many great people, he told me of one lady from Maryland who escaped in 1849 named Harriet Tubman. This is who I have decided to name my child after, she has become such an influence to so many people and my husband has said that she is the most courageous person he has ever met. Harriet Tubman. has made about two dozen trips into the south rescuing hundreds of slaves, she has even rescued her parents. I only hope my daughter, Harriet, can make an improvement to the world like Harriet Tubman but you can never know with how much the United States is changing. The north is finally taking a step up and showing the south and slavery that we have a say in what we believe.
"America the Story of Us: Harriet Tubman | History." YouTube. YouTube, n.d. Web. 22 Feb. 2016.

Fugitive Slave act and reactions to it

Clay's compromise brought the nation a moment of peace but as I have found that like most things it did not last long. Issues one after another are on piling on top of each other and I don't even hear about everything that is going on. Thank god my husband agrees to tell me everything, most people use to avoid talking about slavery but every since it came up in the election of 1848 it has become the talk of the nation. The only problem I have with the compromise is the fugitive slave law, I feel as though this law is including me in slavery but I want nothing to do with it. The law was made more prominent because it has been forgotten and ignored most of the time. The law was first brought up in 1793 but with the compromise it is to be respected more. The law now states that private citizens must assist in the arrest of runaway slaves and if a runaway slave is assisted by a citizen then the crime can leave them with a fine or in jail. At first I agreed with the compromise but now I feel like I am being forced to enforce slavery and this is something I have been avoiding because I don't believe in slavery. I don't want to help the south and I don't believe that federal government should help enforce slavery. My husband is outraged as well, slavery doesn't affect our family so I refuse to do anything that could put me on the side of slave owners. Thank god Zachary and I aren't the only ones that feel like this, the north is striking back. I feel as though it is our right, if I don't agree with slavery I shouldn't have to participate in helping it expand. A few northern states have been passing  personal liberty laws showing the government they shouldn't have to participate in this new law. This has allowed the slave owners to become considered as kidnappers and they are allowed to be arrested. Unfortunately the north fighting back hasn't completely helped solve the issue because slaves who were free are being sold back into slavery. Imprisoned slaves could call upon a judge for their release but judges are being rewarded $10 for ruling in favor for slaver owners and only $5 for ruling that the slave should be set free. I don't know how to explain this issue to my kids, I don't want the, to worry about slaves on the losses. The government needs to leave my family alone, I don't want my kids to be in harms way especially since I am expecting to have another child very soon at this point.
"Fugitive Slave Act." PBS. PBS, n.d. Web. 22 Feb. 2016.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Clay's Compromise of 1850

Many issues revolving around slavery keep arising, I am beginning to feel worried for the safety of my family especially since I am expecting a child soon, I just found out but rather than being excited I am rather worried. It feels as though the United States is being torn in half and I don't want my child to be born in such conditions. I have been following any news on slave and free states through the news paper and issues keep becoming more complicated. Problems that I thought had passed years ago are rising to the surface because of arguments revolving slavery. I read about the gold found in California in 1848 and my husband has told me that even this has contributed to a problem involving slavery because in 1849 California requested to become a free state. The south became outraged, if California became a free state it would tip the balance between slave and free states and this would cause unneeded conflict. Thank god for Henry Clay, I have read so much about him, he is known as the "Great Pacificater" because of all of his amazing compromises. He has finally decided to step into the issue of the norther states vs southern states and I believe if anyone can help it's him who will be the most successful. Clay's compromise of 1850 has stated five new ideas to make the north and south agree. The first point is California will become a free state as they wanted. Popular sovereignty will determine if Utah and New Mexico become slave states or remain free. Slave trade has been deemed illegal in Washington DC but slavery itself will still be allowed. A more strict fugitive slave law stating that run away slaves will have to be returned to their owners and if anyone helps a slave they could be fined or sent to jail. Also in return for $10 million Texas will give up its claims to New Mexico. I think that this compromise will help bring unity into the union, something has to happen but there have been so many debates about the compromise that I am beginning to greatly worry about this nation. Zachary, my husband, says the compromise is being passed but not in the way I thought it would be. The arguments of the nation had left Clay stuck but a senator from Illinois called Stephen A. Douglass has helped pass the compromise through the Congress, persuading the Senate to finally except it. Throughout this very long process Zachary Taylor died making Millard Fillmore the new president and fortunately he helped pass the compromise through the Senate. The compromise shall not stop my worrying for this nation or my family but at least it will help.

"The Compromise of 1850." Independence Hall Association, n.d. Web. 22 Feb. 2016.

Election of 1848

I am not very involved with politics or the new election that is to take place. I have been hearing all about the candidates and their thoughts through my husband. Zachary shares with me the news and information going on in the election. According to him slavery expansion and limitation has become a huge topic that is discussed by the candidates. He has been telling me something about the Wilmot Proviso and I read more about it in the newspaper. I found that it was a suggested law created by David Wilmot proposing that the new land conquered in the Mexican American war should be free. I honestly agree with this as does my husband. He has told me that when he was thinking about if he likes the Democrats or the Whigs but he has also found that a new political party has emerged. He found that several factions that believe in the Wilmot Proviso have formed the Free-Soil Party. This new party wishes to have a nation only made from freedom and Martin Van Buren is running for this party. The Whigs have elected Zachary Taylor for president and Governor Lewis Cass of Michigan is representing the Democrats. I personally would vote for the Free-Soil Party but I have no say in the voting process but this doesn't stop me from talking about the election with my husband. I like the idea of keeping slavery out of the western territories but my husband doesn't think this will go well with the South. The Free-Soil party has brought the other parties to having to publicly discuss their thoughts on slavery. Finally nothing will be hidden from the election! The Free-Soil Party has produced so much good and it has only just started! I wish I was able to vote but my husband has told me that the Free-Soil party is no longer the best option. Since the Whigs and Democrats had to address the ideas of slavery a new idea has appeared called popular sovereignty. This idea slightly confused me but my husband said that the parties use this  method in order to gain more votes from the north and south. Popular sovereignty states that the territory should be determined by the people if it will be a free or slave state rather than congress choosing. I still don't agree with the ideas of Taylor or Cass they just seem so similar but my husband told me I was wrong. He has informed me that Cass is a supporter of popular sovereignty but he doesn't support the Wilmot Proviso. The other candidate, Taylor reveals very little about his opinions but he's a slave owner. How could someone possibly vote for either of these candidates? They seem to contradict their own ideas and it is unclear to me how they can run this country. I have informed my husband of my opinions but he has decided to vote for Whig candidate, Zachary Taylor. This election surprises me, the votes are scattered, some southern states voted for Taylor while northern states did to. It surprises me how some of the north and south was able to agree on one thing. Maybe Zachary Taylor will actually be able to control our nation and solve the differences of the north and south.

"Shelton State | US History." Shelton State | US History. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Feb. 2016.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

About Me

My name is Victoria Bell, I am currently 22 years of age. I am the mother of 2, James and Adam who are currently 4 and 3 years of age. I am a resident of the free state Connecticut. As well as a mother I am also a teacher for the small school in our town. I am married to an American lawyer, Zachary Bell. We live in a big house and we're happy with our lives. Slavery doesn't directly affect us so we feel no reason to intrude on the South's reasoning for slavery. We would never move to the southern states because all of our ancestors live in the north. We have grown accustom to the beautiful big cities and we enjoy being away from the huge unorganized southern states. We are happy as a free state and it should stay this way, the south doesn't affect our jobs or family and for this reason we will not associate with the south, the north is our home and it should stay this way.