Monday, January 25, 2016

Fugitive Slave act and reactions to it

Clay's compromise brought the nation a moment of peace but as I have found that like most things it did not last long. Issues one after another are on piling on top of each other and I don't even hear about everything that is going on. Thank god my husband agrees to tell me everything, most people use to avoid talking about slavery but every since it came up in the election of 1848 it has become the talk of the nation. The only problem I have with the compromise is the fugitive slave law, I feel as though this law is including me in slavery but I want nothing to do with it. The law was made more prominent because it has been forgotten and ignored most of the time. The law was first brought up in 1793 but with the compromise it is to be respected more. The law now states that private citizens must assist in the arrest of runaway slaves and if a runaway slave is assisted by a citizen then the crime can leave them with a fine or in jail. At first I agreed with the compromise but now I feel like I am being forced to enforce slavery and this is something I have been avoiding because I don't believe in slavery. I don't want to help the south and I don't believe that federal government should help enforce slavery. My husband is outraged as well, slavery doesn't affect our family so I refuse to do anything that could put me on the side of slave owners. Thank god Zachary and I aren't the only ones that feel like this, the north is striking back. I feel as though it is our right, if I don't agree with slavery I shouldn't have to participate in helping it expand. A few northern states have been passing  personal liberty laws showing the government they shouldn't have to participate in this new law. This has allowed the slave owners to become considered as kidnappers and they are allowed to be arrested. Unfortunately the north fighting back hasn't completely helped solve the issue because slaves who were free are being sold back into slavery. Imprisoned slaves could call upon a judge for their release but judges are being rewarded $10 for ruling in favor for slaver owners and only $5 for ruling that the slave should be set free. I don't know how to explain this issue to my kids, I don't want the, to worry about slaves on the losses. The government needs to leave my family alone, I don't want my kids to be in harms way especially since I am expecting to have another child very soon at this point.
"Fugitive Slave Act." PBS. PBS, n.d. Web. 22 Feb. 2016.

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