Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Kansas-Nebraska Act

Zachary has informed me with such a insane matter, he has requested to move to the Kansas territory. This can't be good for our children, especially not little Harriet, I simply refuse, what kind of life would we be given? I am content living in the free state of Connecticut, it is beautiful and gives me plenty of pleasure. This idea became aroused in Zachary's mind through a debate he was included in. The debate consisted of thoughts about slavery, obviously something must be done. Slavery is the talk of the nation, neighbors turn on neighbors, and towns are aroused by riots late into the evening. The government has tried to simmer down these violent outbreaks, so far three attempts have been made: The Missouri Compromise, the Wilmot Proviso and the Compromise of 1850. Of course as I expected the issue of slavery has surfaced again in congress, it was brought up by Senator Douglas. Zachary has become very intrigued with Douglas's thoughts especially the introduction of his new bill. I have read in the newspaper about the bill introduced to create a government for the Nebraska territory but of course this ended in a bitter debate. Zachary seems to act as if he is a part of royalty ever since he attended the debate, he claims he has never been so intrigued in anything before. The Kansas land was going to be decided by popular sovereignty but of course problems arose in the south. There was fear that the state would become free, this is what Zachary wanted, but to avoid more conflict Douglas decided to split the property into two pieces. Ideally one would be slave and one would be free but as I have recently notice, life doesn't always seem to work out. The two properties became Kansas and Nebraska; my husband has said that the properties seem to be full of potential for a new life but I wish to not bet our chances. Many more issues are involving, if one state were to be free and the other were to be a slave then the slave state would have to be above the Missouri compromise line. This line is not suppose to have slave states above it, I will be quite upset if a slave state is put on top of the boundary line. Slavery doesn't need to be spread more, it must now be contained.
"Kansas Nebraska Act." N.p., 22 Jan. 2012. Web. 22 Feb. 2016.

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