Thursday, January 28, 2016

John Brown's Raid

Everything in my family is going quite well, I was thinking about how young my family was before the conflict between our nation began. It feels as though it was ages ago and now I am expecting another child. I didn't want to have a child but Zachary insisted. I'm just scared for the child's life throughout all of the debates that have stirred the nation once again. In 1858, the debates between Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas began, there were a series of seven debates. The debates took place as they competed for the seat in the US senate. My husband has not told me much about either of the candidates but he told me that Lincoln is know by some as "Honest Abe." I like this name very much because many political leaders of the nation constantly lie in order to gain votes or power, I don't want a leader who lies to get their position. Lincoln is known for his views of the Kansas-Nebraska Territory and how they opposed the views of Douglas. I side with Lincoln on this issue; he opposed the act and didn't agree with the expansion of slavery. Douglas confuses me, I read an article of him saying he likes slavery yet he owns no slaves and he has supporters are from both the north and the south. Lincoln referred to the Dred Scott case as wrong and expressed how popular sovereignty isn't effective as well. Zachary and I agree with Lincoln, he thinks we should be equal to African-Americans. We all have natural born rights and to be treated equally is one of them. My husband and I are not even African- American but we fight this cause with strong leaders like Lincoln on our side because this issue is unjust. America has come so far and fought so many wars against other countries, are we really going to get to the point were we have to fight ourselves? The debates brought up many issues and overall I was very pleased with how Douglas and Lincoln weren't afraid to admit and fight against the large flaws in our society. The votes were very close but Douglas won but Lincoln still gained lots of attention for the debates as well. Douglas and Lincoln both agreed that slavery had to be solved within our nation's laws. There came some opposition to this idea including people who disagreed like John Brown. I personally don't like him, he brought my friends into trouble when they met in Kansas and although he is from the north I don't like his violent ways. I think Brown is crazy and my friends that know him agree. My friend, Lucia, sent me a letter talking about John Brown. She said that Brown thought he was an angel sent from God to use violence to stop slavery. I agree that slavery should stop but I think it is odd that he thinks he is an angel and I don't think violence should be provoked. In 1857, Brown took a trip for several months after planning his attack. He went through New England, the Midwest and Canada in hopes of gaining recruits and money to create an armed assault on slavery.  Brown conducted his plan wrong, he brought other countries into the conflict of slavery and this will only make it bigger and worse. We don't need violence we need a leader but in 1859, Brown took his 21 men to Harpers Ferry, Virginia to seize the federal Arsenal. Brown's men included 5 African-Americans and he hoped to inspire slaves to rise up in a revolution. Hapers Ferry had many canals and trains which would create perfect escape routes but few Americans wanted to join the rebellion. One of Brown's close friends, Fredrick Douglas, refused to join because he didn't want the whole country turn on them. Brown's army didn't last long, he and his men were surrounded in the Arsenal by local citizens and they were arrested. Some of his men escaped to Canada but two of Brown's sons were killed but Brown went to the gallows. I have heard many rumors and more conflict has been caused. Zachary told me that Stephen Douglas accused republicans for helping Brown with his attack. The southern men even wished an investigation but Lincoln and other Republicans condemned Brown. This issue has the south preparing war, even congressmen started bringing guns to the capital. Brown was executed; I am happy about this but I have come to agree with some of his last words, "the crimes of [slavery] of this guilty land will never purge away,... without very much bloodshed."

"Slavery John Brown Raid." YouTube. N.p., n.d. Web. 01 Feb. 2016.

1 comment:

  1. nice thorough post - was Brown a terrorist or a hero? Show both sides to deepen critical thinking
